Friday, February 29, 2008

A day in the life...

This is a typical day...

I wake up around 7 to the sound of five over-active boys running around upstaris...what could they be doing so loudlly already this morning...that would be wrestling over who is going to be wearing what shirt,

I go and get my two kids ready for the day...bottles, diapers, clothes

Upstairs, the rollerblades have been put on and the beautiful sounds of waves are heard from above, followed by large crashes all before 8!

I start to feed my kids breakfast...3 little boys are now downstairs in my house playing and taunting Grace (still smiling!)

They leave to go and start school...I start cleaning and picking up messes that I am pretty sure I just picked up about 5 min ago...

By noon, school breaks 3 more boys in my house! (still smiling)

1 Grace goes down for a nap, Praise the Lord for Naps! Somewhat of peace and quiet...

3:45, the other boys get home from school...wrestling begins and does not end till about 10 at night!
We have labeled them upstairs, "The Thundering Heard!" and are awaiting the time when one of them comes crashing through our ceiling and onto our floor!

Throw in a lot of crying, poopy diapers, spit-up and some laundry and you have my typical day!

I will keep you updated!

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