Monday, March 24, 2008

We Serve a Great God!

This story may not be so funny to everyone, but it was so funny to Preston and I because we were both genuinely nervous...

It started about three days ago, Grace had fallen and hit her head on the Piano and I was consoling her. I noticed that on the right side of her head that she had a small bald spot. It was really noticeable, like someone had taken a buzzer and made one strip on the side of her head. I mean you could feel the prickles of the new hair was so weird! I dismissed it thinking that maybe it was from the fall. But something in my gut just was really uneasy about it, so I called Preston to ask if for some reason he had tried to cut her hair or something...he said "No, why in the world would I cut a bald spot into my daughter's hair?" Good point! My next thought was that one of Preston's brother's had done it...but they have been out of town, so that would have been impossible! A day or two went by and for some reason it just kept bothering me, I did not know what it could be, but I was beginning to think it was something really bad, because it looks so weird... Preston, my husband who never worries about anything, began to become worried also, so that night he was putting her to sleep and he started to pray over it, that God would give us wisdom and discernment over it, right as he was finishing up Grace looked up at him and with her suckie starts rubbing the side of her head!
For those of you who do not know Grace she puts herself to sleep by rubbing her suckie on her belly, well apparently she had started rubbing her head a lot at night also, because she was literally rubbing out her hair! I should of thought about this sooner because for the past week or so in the mornings I would go and get her out of bed and the first thing she would do was hand me her suckie saying, "Ew, Ew mommy!" It had hair wrapped around it, but I didnt think any thing of it!
Preston came out of her room laughing so hard, because we were so relieved and shocked that this is what it was.
We were also so thankful that God literally answered our prayer immediately, how amazing is it that we can be in direct contact to the creator of the universe!
And what a sense of humor He has!

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