Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Last Couple of Weeks...

Like most of you, our lives have been really crazy the last week or two, but we have made a lot of memories that we would love to share...

First of all, because of Grace's extremely weird hair rubbing, we had to give up the suckie for GOOD! So all of Grace's suckies are "night-night" and Fisher's suckies are ok because he is a baby still and Grace is a big girl! (this is what Grace says) Because she did so good and really did not cry at all, she only asks sometimes where they are and I remind her how big she is, we got her a pink bike! She was so cute in Walmart, because she was so excited and knew what we were going to get...
Here are a few picks of the first bike ride...

Of course you have to get a kiss from daddy before you ride!
And get a bite of an apple...
We also got to go up to Preston's camp and play at the lagoon. I made Grace wear a life jacket the whole time because I was nervous about her falling in, which she did... so I was glad!
Grace trying to get some sun...(kind of hard with a life jacket on!)
Best Buds!
Cheesy Smile!

After such a long week with Family Day up at camp (Preston was home for one dinner all week), we finally got our daddy back and got to catch up on some much needed rest. Well at least some of us did...
Here is Preston and Grace sleeping in Grace's crib together while I was taking care of Fisher!
I had to pray the jealousy away...just kidding!
It did make my heart melt though!

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