Wednesday, January 7, 2009

THe Strangest Thing...

Well, after MUCH anticipation it has finally arrived... We leave to go to Disney TOMORROW!!! Just me and Preston! I am So excited, HOwever...ever since I have had Grace everytime I fly I get so nervous. It is so weird, I have never been scared to fly...I guess now I know that I have something to lose and that their two little people in my world that depend on me and need me to come home safely! I would love your prayers of peace and also to not be stressed! I tend ( I know that no one else does) to suck all of the joy of the trip by being to stressed and schedule-oriented, Preston calls me a "joy-sucker"! ANyway, I just want to really enjoy the uninterrupted time with Preston. It is such a blessing and he is such an amazing husband. I could not of dreamed him up better! Thanks for your prayers and I will be sure to post pictures when we come home!!!

I also wanted to give an update on our family. This past year has been full of so many changes and tests and I finally feel like we are in a season of rest! Thank you Lord!!! Grace is just the cutest little two and half year old. Everything she sees or touches is the coolest thing EVER! She is talking like crazy (I can't figure out where she gets that from)! And then there is my little Fishstick, who steals my heart everyday. He is a carbon copy of Preston and can melt your heart with one slant of the eyes. he is walking and almost talking. He tends to find it easier to just scream to get what he wants...that is fun! We completed our first summer with Pine Cove and it was the most amazing experience. I have been learning so much from God and really feel like He is preparing Preston and I for something. I love our cute little town, no there is no Target or Starbucks or pretty much anything cool, BUT what it lacks in shopping it makes up for in community. I was just telling Preston how neat it is to go to the grocery store and see atleast 2 people from church and you just know everyone and feel apart of your town. We go to the football games and all of the parades, it really is neat. I can honestly say I love living in Columbus. Preston has had such a great year. He is so good at what he does and just blows my away. spiritually he has grown so much this past year and it is so neat to follow his lead. He is into his second year of conferences and has got it down. I have had a great year as well. I finally feel like I am coming into my own, I have been diving into my love for art and just exploring all of the different mediums and really enjoying it. I have created some type of painting for just about every room and started sewing and taking pictures, I just feel so fulfilled. I have also started a youth bible study with our new youth pastor's wife. That has been such a neat experience. I love pouring into others and mentoring those girls. It is not always easy, I tend to forget they are in high school, but is neat to see them growing and excited about Christ. We have had a great year and are so glad that God has placed us here for this season. We are excited to see what God is going to do this year and truly just want to be in His will!

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