Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Junk Drawer

Ok, So now I am pretty sure that I have gone crazy, but I can't stop organizing everything! It is making me so happy!

I got a little contact paper happy last week, so I found another project that I could use it for. My junk drawer. Which ultimately led to using it my other drawers too!

Just like the other projects, I took everything out and threw most of it all away. Starting with a blank slate really helps you to group like items together and to see what space is actually available.

Then I just put the necessities back in and there you go! Here are some before and afters of my other drawers also...

I still have like half a role of contact paper left...what else can I put it on???

1 comment:

  1. Where did you find such nice contact paper- i have looked but it is all boring was thinking of going the route of wallpaper but it is too pricey.

    Good job it looks great!
