Monday, January 10, 2011

Under The Sink...

Over at A Bowl Full Of Lemons she is doing a twenty one day challenge to re-organize your home. I thought that my house was pretty organized, but surprisingly she has picked a different space each day that I would never think to make cute and organized. It has been really fun to follow along with her and to tackle a different space each day!

First I tackled under the sink. It was a place that I honestly never looked twice at, but once I did, I was pretty grossed out. Not only was there a ton of stuff that I never use, there was just a bunch of random junk under there.

So...step one: I took everything out and put it on my counter so I could see what all was there.

Then I took my supplies and put this super cute contact paper on the bottom. At this point my husband thought I was pretty crazy, but what's new?

Then I got these great baskets at the dollar spot at Target, so I divided up my cleaning products into three categories: Kitchen, Bathroom, and Floors. I placed the appropriate cleaners in their new home and, POOF!

It looks so much nicer and about 10 bucks to accomplish. I love it!

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