Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dining Room COMPLETED!

Well, after half of my family down with strep and hopefully no more...
I have finished the dining room!

If you are just now reading about the dining room transformation you can see some of the process here, here and here!

It is exactly what I had imagined in my mind...

Here is one more before to show you the earlier color scheme: black, white, and grey.
BORING! ( no offense...)
I really, really LOVE the color of the walls, it's WOODSMOKE by Glidden. It is a true grey with some green undertones...it goes with everything!

Here is the room totally cleared out...

Notice the black lamp and black shelf...
I tried really hard not to buy much for this room, but
to re-purpose a lot of the decor that I had.
So keep an eye out for all the "new" stuff!

Here is another quick look at the dining room table before...

In the process of becoming BEAUTIFUL!

Finally, here are WAY too many after photos!!!!!

The whole feel of the room is so much more comfortable and inviting.
Which is exactly what I was going for...were not exactly the "formal" type.

I have always loved this Van Gogh painting and I was so excited to get it into the room.
The colors matched wonderfully!

The two pictures on the wall are just framed scrapbooking paper.
I actually found the frames for $1.80 at Hobby Lobby!

I love the simplicity of the buffet, I was feeling too cluttered...
The flower base was black and then got a fresh coat of spray paint, along with the lamp.

The curtains were a great find at Fabric.com, it was actually
only 4.95 a yard, you really can't beat that!

All of the blue plates, I found at Target and added the perfect
amount of texture to that side of the room.

One final angle...

I hope you enjoyed our dining room. It was way too fun to tackle
and hopefully next will be the kitchen!


  1. LOVE the table makeover! it really freshened it up! great job!!

  2. it looks oh-so-lovely : ) i have so much to learn from all you thrifty women who do such amazing things in your homes for so cheap! i love the scrapbook paper idea! i might borrow *ahem* steal *ahem* that!

  3. It looks great Laura! I wish I could see it in person.. I miss you guys!

  4. oh my! i was going to order that same curtain fabric from fabric.com in yellow!!! it's been on back order though! hilarious! it all looks beautiful :)

  5. Okay I have to say at first I wasn't excited about you changing your dining room, because I really like the way it was. But now seeing the finished product... I love it!
    Once I get done with this strep I am total game to help on the kitchen!

  6. What a fantastic room - my favorite is the curtains!

  7. OMJealous. Seriously do you want to trade? I love everything about this room!!

    Love your guts

  8. So gorgeous! I love how you pulled everything together ... the fabrics, with the updated table and chairs and all the lovely accessories. Great work! :)

  9. You did a great job with this room! That sounds like a good gray to remember too. What a great price on the fabric!

    Thanks so much for joining the "room by room" series.

