Monday, September 7, 2009

New Adventure!

Well, I am really excited right now, as of tomorrow Grace and I are going to start doing our own pre-school at home! This all came to fruition because of our jobless status. I was going to enroll her into 2 day preschool here in Columbus, but A. it's expensive and B. we are going to moving soon, so I did not want to start her and then just pull her out.
So here we are...
A couple of months ago I had bought some great teaching tools from Lakeshore Learning Center, which by the way if you like school supplies this place is heaven! I had a blast looking through all of the different curriculum. I found a couple of books that I would highly reccomend:
1. Summer Bridge Activities Pre-K- it has a front and back worksheet for each day that teaches them writing skills and math skills

2. Instant Bible Lessons for toddlers- this book is one of my favs, it has a bible lesson and verse for each week and then about 4 avtivities to do about that lesson

3. Letter of the week Book 1- has like 6 activities for each letter, Great and very creative!

4. Big book of Monthly arts and crafts- it has like 10 crafts for each month that goes with all of the holidays for that month, it is really cool and just fun to have around for a rainy day!

You could for sure do it without all of these but they are some great resources. Lakeshore has a ton of books and lots of fun games and toys!

Anyway, so I went and got a weekly planner and set down tonight and figured out a plan....
we are going to do our memory verse first and then the bible lesson with one activity, our worksheet, have a quick snack and then do our letter of the week activity. After that I bought a really cool Animal book that has a ton of facts and questions so we are going to just go really slow through that. I hope to figure out some cool little field trips to add in there and I am really just going to make it fun and an intentional opportunity for me to pour into Grace and Fisher. I think we are going to try and do 3 times a week from 10-12. I am hoping that Fisher will just kind of go along and play with us and maybe learn a little also.

I honestly can not believe that Grace is getting old enough for me to even be in this place, but I am really excited and am just going to go with it. I would love your prayers and I will keep you guys updated... if you have any questions let me know!

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