Saturday, September 12, 2009

We made it!

Well, we finished our first week of school! Can I just be a proud parent for a second, and just say that I love my daughter so much and I am so proud of her! She did such a great job and she loved every second of one on one time with mom! We completed all of the things that I wanted to with her this week and she blew me away! We did worksheets and crafts and bible stoires and laughed a lot. As I was sitting there with her watching her work on a worksheet I started thinking...Wow, not only are we having fun and learning some stuff I am getting to pour in her encouragement and words of affirmation in a way that would not happen if I had put her in preschool! God you are so good! I mean I was so happy that I was the one who was getting to praise her and watch her learn something is really neat and I am very excited to continue working with her and coming up with some fun field trips and activities for us to do!

My one craft of the week for any of you moms looking for something to do on a rainy day...

The Noah's ark snack:
first I read Grace the story of Noah's ark and then we talked about it while I cut a rectangle out of brown construction paper. I folded up all of the sides and taped them so that it created a little box. Then we got two graham crackers and I let her take buttercream icing and ice both crackers. Lay them down inside the "arc" (brown box) and then take animal crackers and place standing up in the icing. Makes a great little picture of the story and a yummy snack...
I will try and take pics next week of what we do...

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