Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Letting the Juices of Creativity Flow....

Lately, I have been feeling like I have all of these creative juices in my head that do not know how to get out. So... I have been trying to come up with fun, cheap ways to let them run wild...

A few projects I have tackled this past week:
1. As a family (Preston included) we spent last Saturday morning each painting a canvas to hang in the play room. We really had a great time and laughed a lot, mostly at Preston who lacks artistic abilities...

2. Sanded and repainted an entry way table that I have had since before we got married. It was my first time to do anything like that, and I think I might be addicted. Preston had to tell me to stop, because I was just wondering around the house trying to find anything that I could sand and new favorite hobby.

3. I dont have any pictures, but my mom gave me my old craddle that I used growing up for my baby dolls and I went to the fabric store (for those of you who know where I live, that would be Walmart, the only store in town...but it sounds cooler to say fabric store) with Grace and I let her pick out all of the materials. She of course went straight for the Tinkerbell material, so we got pink and purple and green and tinkerbell fabric and I made bedding for the craddle. It was very easy and a fun project for Grace and I.

I am always looking for fun crafts, so if you have any great ideas...please let me know!!!

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