Friday, January 22, 2010

Place Mats

So one of Preston and I's goals for 2010 is to be more intentional about teaching Grace and Fisher about helping out around the house and the importance of everyone doing their part. One of the things that we both thought would be a great "chore" for them was to learn how to set the table and then at the end of dinner we have started letting one of them take all of the plates and put them into the sink. It has been very cute to watch them serve each other and to get excited about helping out. We were having trouble getting them to set the table correctly, so...

I came up with these place mats that are super cute, and help them to know where everything goes. Each one of us has our own so they know where the big plates go and where their cups and stuff go. It still blows my mind that I have kids old enough to start helping out around the house but I am excited to start imparting in them that a heart of service is a great virtue.

All I did to make the mats was cut out all the shape from scrapbooking paper, and then the names I made on my Cricut. I placed to pieces of construction paper and glued everything into place. Then I used my stamps to label everything and added the bible verse at the bottom. After that, I just used contact paper to cover each side...pretty simple and the possibilities are endless!

I am thinking that a really fun project for the kids and I would be to start making some for each season or holiday, or special occasions.

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