Monday, August 23, 2010

Lighning McQueen Cake!

For Fisher's 3rd Birthday I decided I would be a little ambitious, and try to make a McQeen cake. If you have a boy in the age range of 2-5 you know the obsession of Lightning McQueen, that I am talking about, we joke that that movie is why Fish can talk, because it is the majority of his vocabulary. Today he even cried until I agreed to let him sleep in his Lightning McQueen shoes (which of course was a gift from Grandma, bc I don't do the whole character clothing thing), anyway, I had great plans for some red fondant icing and even made it yesterday so that I could be prepared for today. Well apparently it gets really hard and unusable if you let it sit over night. I did not know this and had to chunk it this morning...

So I went with plan "B" and had to use buttercream which turned out pretty good. Sorry about the lack of pics...
I started with a regular yellow cake mix, whipped that up and put it in the oven. Then I cut it into three sections, in a t shape. I put the two bigger pieces on top of eachother to make the base of the cake and then I put the smaller piece on top of that to make the eyes. Then I kind of just took a McQeen car that I had and shaped the cake to look like the car. After that I iced it and called it a day. Its not perfect, but it looked good enough for Fisher who was so excited to have a "cars" cake!

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