Thursday, September 2, 2010

Burlap Curtains

I have been looking and looking for some fabric for the curtains in our living room. I have scoured Hobby Lobby and Target and have not been able to find anything that fits my vision or my budget so... I was very inspired by The Nester's curtains, they are fabulous! But I needed six panels and that equals a lot of money, so I decided I would do something with burlap. I have been wanting to jump on this band wagon but have not found exactly how to incorporate into our new house. This is what I came up with...

I used 7 yards of burlap
2 cans of espresso spray paint
poster board (stencil)

First, I cut my fabric into the panels that I needed.

I cut out my stencil with the poster board. My stripes are about 4 inches long.

Spray paint the entire panel and let dry

Then I sewed up all the rough edges and here you go!


  1. Great risk! I love the template that you made - much better than taping! I hate taping. They look great!

  2. I second Hyphen, what a great idea to make a template instead of tape. Love the rich dark stripes!

  3. What a great idea to make a template! They match your blog! :) Love it!


  4. These are amazing! I love burlap. I too have spray painted stripes onto fabric to make curtains ... I just couldn't find the right stripe at fabric stores. I was completely freaked out the whole time I was painting, but the little curtain turned out so cute! Don't you love it when risks work out?? :)

  5. i love these! i love nester's curtains and these are a fun interpretation! you are bold! i have seen a lot of people painting fabric lately. it makes me want to try it! i am a little scared and am not sure what i would paint.. perhaps i will start with a pillow haha. i love the stencil too, good thinking!

  6. Cute! I was thinking of making some burlap curtains, but was concerned about the shedding(and what they'd do to my sewing machine!)...any thoughts on this?

  7. These are AWESOME!!!!!!!! I would have never thought of it! Clapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclap!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Those came out really great. I love the bold stripes. I am your latest follower. I would love for you to come and check out my blog and follow me back at Thanks so much.

  9. They look fabulous!!! I have painted on curtain panels too and think it's a great way to get the look you want! Love the brown on burlap combo!

  10. Those look amazing! I did some burlap curtains as well and I think I like yours even better! Great job!

  11. this is wonderful! great idea! It came out perfect!

  12. Your curtains are fantastic! I am hoping to make burlap curtains for a bathroom in my home, and would love to add an espresso accent, so this idea is perfect! Thanks for the post.
