I was just thinking...
I wish for the next debate, there would be NO talking, just the two candidates sitting on stage, and a list of all of their credentials would be posted on the screen. So that the American people could pass on all of the stupid comments, and we could see who we are actually voting for!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Just a Thought!
Posted by Laura at 4:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: Family
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
HE CAN!!!!
Ok, I don't know if you guys have seen this, but it BLEW me away!
Posted by Laura at 8:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: Family
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
First Cardinal Football Game!
Posted by Laura at 9:54 AM 0 comments
Air Force One!!!
About 2 weeks ago, we got the honor to visit Air Force One and to meet the President! What an experience... I have never been in the presence of so many guns and security! They would not let you take your camera onto the airplane, but it was UNBELIEVABLE! At one point Grace and I were sitting in the cockpit and I was holding her back from pressing the millions of buttons...We got to see all of his quarters and Grace touched "barnie" the dog! It was a memory that I will never forget...
Grace and Fish waiting in the security line
Posted by Laura at 9:11 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Nose Surgery!
Today, I embarked on a journey to fix my nose! I have had such bad sinus problems for the past 3 years and finally I could take it no loner...
Now is probably not the time to ask me if it was worth it!
Our journey started last night, Preston and I drove to Brehnam (we left Grace and Fisher at Preston's parents) and ate at Chile's for a very very long overdue date! We had such a great time, he is such a gentleman, he constantly reminds me of how much I honor and love him!
After dinner, we continued on up to College Station, where our doctor's main office and hospital is. We had a great night getting to hang out with some of the college staff from this summer and just spending some time together...it turned out to be a great date night...
That was the Fun part...
S0...we set our alarms for 5:15 and made our way to Physicians Hospital in College Station (very nice by the way) got all of the paperwork filled out and gave some blood... then we waited until about 6:45... and I got all hooked up to my IV and mentally got prepared to go under
Side note: it amazes me that after children how things make me so much more anxious. I was so nervous to have the surgery because now I am a mommy and there is so much more at stake for me. I have used this opportunity though to really press into God and conquer my anxiousness, he is SO faithful. I had specifically prayed for sweet nurses and doctors and God was so fatihful! They kept me so calm and of course Preston was my rock! He is so good at keeping you laughing and joking around that you forget what you are about to do. But the sense of peace I had could have only come God...
Anyways the surgery was the EASY part for me... I just laid there and talked to the anestisiologist about the Eagles' concert he was going to and drifted off into a sweet sleep...
I had three things done:
- They placed two small balloons (one on either sie) of my sinus passages (which he said were so small it took like 15-20 min just to find them) and inflated them so that they would stay open and allow fluids to drain
- Then they shaved some of a bone in my nose that was rubbing on my cheek bone I think and giving me constant headaches
- Then they straightend my severley deviated septum
I woke up and proceeded (so I am told) to insist to the recovery room nurses that our pharmacy in Columbus was Walgreens...even though we do not even have a Walgreens, all we have is a Walmart...after a quick check with Preston, they figured it was the medicine talking...
We went to the post-op room and waited until I was concious enough to go home...
After the 2 hour car ride, we safely made it home...
Now comes the PAIN!!!
It is a really weird sensation, because my nose is constantly bleeding out of my nose and into my stomach at the same time, so all I can taste and smell is blood...YUMMY! Actually it has been a problem because any time I try and eat something, it makes me vomit, but I have not eaten all day, so I am also trying not pass out at the same time...
Oh yeah... it also feels like someone hit me upside the head with a two by four and then took a sharp knife and just scratched the dog out of the inside of my nose...
So, I am really hanging onto the doctor's words that, " I am going to feel like I am living in a whole new world!" But as of right now I am stuck in bed, hence the long blog...
Posted by Laura at 3:19 PM 0 comments