Today I went in for my 18wk ultrasound...It still takes my breath away every time I see the baby. The doctors said that everything looks great and healthy and that is all that we could ask for! Oh by the way...IT'S A...
Just Kidding, we are not finding out what the baby is. So you will have to wait until mid June to find out.
I still can't believe we are having baby number 3, but I guess I have a couple of months to figure it out. It is such a miracle to be pregnant again, and my prayer for this pregnancy is that I would let go of all of the insecurities that I had before and just truly enjoy the part that I get to play in this miracle. So, gaining weight, losing sight of my toes, and just being uncomfortable are all things that I am going to find joy in this time around...
Here are some of the pictures...

This is another profile shot, but right as she was looking at the baby it opened it's mouth and stuck out it's was really cute.