Over the past few months I have been working so hard to update our fixer that we bought a few months ago. It has come such a long way. I have been painting and painting and more painting! It still amazes me how much a can of paint and some elbow grease can change a room so much. Take it form the 70's to 2013! I love the changes, but man, painting trim might be the worst job in the world!!!
Here is our entry when we moved in... ugh... is all I can say... those colors are just not us...
It for sure had some potential, but needed so LOVE!
Here it is now... painting all of the trim and doors white made this small space so bright and a great place to welcome our guests.
I added some gold stenciling to give it a little bit of elegance without being too serious, because we are for sure not serious ;)
As you move from the entry you enter our family room, it was pretty plain and dark as well.
This is the day we moved in...
Here it is today... I just love it! It represents our personality so well and is just homey!
All of the trim has been painted white, and the walls were given a nice coat of Amazing Gray! It is such a great color!
I found this awesome vintage laundry basket at a local store and knew I could come up with some sort of use for it. My husband thought it was a stroller when I brought it home... it adds some fun color and a little funk to the room.
I am not sure what to do with the giant fireplace eye sore, for now it is the monster in the room, but maybe one day we will come up with something. It is so big and in such a strange spot it is hard to work with.
And that little cutie is my one- year old, who is everywhere!!! I could not get a picture of this part of the room without her running into the shot, so I just went with it. It really is a miracle at what paint can do, to even the ugliest rooms!!!

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